Where to find TRACK VIBRATORY PLOW in Calgary

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Daily: $375.00
Weekly: $1,400.00
Monthly: $4,200.00
  • Ideal for residential fiber installation, cable and lawn irrigation, the Ditch Witch VP30 walk behind Vibratory Plow delivers the most power and reliability to tight jobsites. With its compact design and 31-hp engine the highest in its class the VP30 is the all-around solution for your next job.
  • Trailer available for this unit or can be delivered or your trailer will work as long as ramps match the track width.
  • Width: 35"
  • Length: 91"
  • Weight: 2000 lbs.
  • Fuel: Gasoline
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* Prices are subject to change.

* Please call us for any questions on our track vibratory plow rentals in Calgary, Alberta.